Setting up the Bracket and the Table
Step 1
The first step in setting up your Panorama bracket and levelling table is to mount the bracket on the table. Place the bracket on the table about midway on the short slot and fit the washer and the locknut.


Lets try it!



Nodal Point















You have now set up your camera to rotate about the centre of your lens plain. Mark this point; it will not change unless you use a different camera.
The next step is to centre the lens above the Levelling table point of rotation, the best way to do this is to hang a plumb line and position your tripod with the table, bracket and camera fitted as in Fig 2.Position the tripod so the plumb line runs through the centre line of the Levelling table screw and then move the bracket left or right until the line runs through the centre of the lens.
Step 2
The next step is to fit your camera to the long slot on the bracket with the screw provided,
It is important to have the bracket the right way round when attaching your camera. The top long slot of the bracket must point towards you and the camera should point away from you and be on the table side of the bracket.